EMI Ferrite Sheets / Tiles for Lower Frequency Range

Narrow band types absorbers (also known as Pinpoint types, microwave absorbers) attenuate 10-20 dB at one particular frequency. These are mainly designed for UHF (300MHz ~ 3GHz range) and SHF (3~30GHz) frequency range.

Flexible ferrite (FFS and FFSX-H), Soft ferrite with epoxy (MAB) and solid Ferrite (SD tile) are all designed to be EMI absorbers that cover the low MHz range. They also work for RFID @ 13.56MHz.

FFS Series

EMI Flexible Noise Suppression Ferrite Sheet.

FFSX-H Series

Flexible, EMI noise suppression ferrite tiles.

EMI Suppression Ferrite Tiles: SD Series

Thin Ferrite Sheet provides optimal EMC soution for FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit) and FFC (Flexible Flat Cables).

FFSW / SDK15 Series

Very thin and flexible ferrite tile, ideal for low frequency wireless charging.

MAB Series

EMI flexible noise suppression ferrite sheet covers the low MHz range.

SD Series

High performance, sintered ferrite tiles for CPU’s high density